Thursday, September 27, 2012

Methods and Techniques of Sales Forecasting

Sales forecasting methods and techniques vary from company to company. Sales forecasting methods and techniques vary from company to company.

graph bars image by Tomislav from

Decomposition stands as one of the most common statistical sales forecasting methods. Decomposition belongs to the time series family of forecasting methods. Decomposition looks at four variables that control the value of “x” over a certain time period. In simpler terms, decomposition uses a product’s trend component, cyclical component, seasonality and irregular components to forecast the future value of the product over a given time period. Decomposition looks at each component separately to determine a forecast value for the specified component and then combines the data output into an overall forecasted value. A variety of statistical decomposition methods exist.

Unlike decomposition, which uses the entire history of a product as the forecast input, simple exponential smoothing uses a weighted moving average. Because simple exponential smoothing seeks to reduce, or smooth out, the irregular patterns in a product over time, this forecasting method works best with products whose main component exhibits strong cyclical and irregular patterns.

Census X-11 resembles a standard decomposition method because it uses the same variables trend, seasonality, cyclicality and irregularity as forecast inputs. The difference comes from how it uses these variables. It places more emphasis on the seasonal and cyclical components of the product. Census X-11 also uses a specific number of trading days in the month. Using trading days allows this forecast method to weigh the future forecast by the number of trading days used in the forecast input.

All forecasters use a different technique when performing forecasting activities. Some forecasters prefer to forecast in a vacuum—not using input from other sources other than the data. This technique rarely works for any extended period of time. In most businesses the best source of data comes from the human elements involved in the business. Forecasting in a vacuum disregards this important source of data. Collaborative forecasting techniques such as collaborative planning, forecasting and replenishment use internal company resources and resources from suppliers to create a mutually agreed upon forecast.

When considering what forecast methods and techniques to use remember this, forecasts are always wrong. The best method and technique is the one that keeps the business running efficiently and at the least cost. Don’t get bogged down in theories and methodologies or getting a 100 percent accurate forecast.

From 2002-2006, Kenneth Hamlett was publisher and head writer for UNSIGNED Music Magazine, an online publication with over 100,000 readers. Prior to establishing UNSIGNED, Hamlett was a business solutions analyst and spent 15 years formulating and writing proposals for supply chain business solutions. He is a graduate of the New York Institute of Photography.

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